Serving Northeast Colorado 

Am I Pregnant? - Free Quiz!

Have you missed a period, or think you might be late? Have you had pregnancy symptoms, but aren’t sure if you should take a pregnancy test?

If you’re asking those questions-you found a great place to start. Pregnancy symptoms like nausea, vomiting, sore breasts, frequently urinating, and a late period can be indicators of pregnancy. If you have noticed signs of pregnancy, it might be time to take a pregnancy test. Click below to find out, without providing any of your personal or contact information.

Ready to begin your free online pregnancy quiz? Let’s get started!


A Caring Pregnancy Resource Center of Northeast Colorado is committed to provide accurate information about pregnancy options, abortion procedure risks and alternatives, and post-abortion support.  We do not offer, recommend, or refer for abortions or abortifacients.  Our services are available at no cost to you. We offer a holistic approach to helping women that includes pregnancy tests, ultrasound, and before/after birth resources.  We do provide a safe environment in a warm, comfortable setting where privacy and confidentiality are top priorities.